Navigating to Account Settings
In this article, we'll familiarize you with the basics of accessing your Account Settings within the ParkSitesIO dashboard. By accessing the Account Settings users can manage their Profile, Billing & Plans, change their password, create an Outside Team, and even manage their Zapier Integration.
To access your Account Settings click your profile image at the top-right corner of their dashboard to open the Resource Center.
Once the Resource Center opens, click the My Account button to begin managing your Account Settings options.
One important aspect of your information that is displayed along with your Account Settings is your User ID. Your User ID can be viewed just below your profile image and name within the top-left of a user's Account Settings. This number is specific to each user's account and will be required to be provided during any support calls that users may request.
Note - Your User ID which is displayed within your profile information is unique to your account and will be required to be provided during support calls.
For additional questions about this topic, please contact our Support Team by emailing us at
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